Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Segala puji bagi Allah atas segala limpahan rahmatnya sehingga blog ku tercinta ini bisa tercipta.
Disini aku akan membagikan apa yang aku dapat slama hidupku, ya kira-kira seperti itu.

Selasa, April 29, 2008

The Paper in the Stream

The wind of the west blow stiffly

Slam the walls and the windows

A piece of paper with words, name, and mind of wisdom

Has been swept away and separated from the pile

Flied away, up and down, right and left

Gyrate and slash the breath of life

Fall into the stream of gutter

The paper attached and dragged freely

Tarnished by the water of bleak

The pale crawling and fills the fiber

Lay aside the faded wise mind and words

Replace with dirt and muck

Washed away in the flow of dull

Forgotten and gone

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